Item Attribute

Item Attributes are characteristics given to Item Variants based on which Item Variants are created.

Item Attributes can be color, size, length, etc. Multiple attributes like multiple colors can be defined.

To access the Item Attribute list, go to:

Home > Stock > Settings > Item Attribute

1. How to create an Item Attribute

  1. Go to the Item Attribute list, click on New.
  2. Enter a name for the Attribute.
  3. Enter the attribute values in the table.
  4. Save.

The attribute values can be numeric or non-numeric.

1.1 Non Numeric Attributes

For Non Numeric Attributes, specify attributes values along with its abbreviation in the Attribute Values table.

1.2 Numeric Attributes

If your attribute is Numeric, select Numeric Values. Specify the Range and the Increment Value. In the following example the pipe length is of range 0.25 to 3.0 and the range is 0.25 so the variants will be 0.25, 0.5, 0.75...3.0.