Introduction to Stock

Using the Stock Module in StrideERP, you can:

  • Track your products inventory and warehouses
  • Provide valuation of each product.
  • Manage receipt, transfer, and delivery of products.
  • Provide real-time stock level information through reports to ensure optimal stock levels.

Purchases, Manufacturing, and Accounting are all tightly integrated with the Stock module.

1. Topics

1.1 Basics

  1. Introduction
  2. Warehouse
  3. Item
  4. Opening Stock
  5. Accounting Of Inventory Stock
  6. Price List
  7. Stock Settings

1.2 Item variants

  1. Item Variants
  2. Item Attribute

1.3 Setup

  1. Item Price
  2. Item Group
  3. Unit of Measure
  4. Manufacturer

1.4 Stock Transactions

  1. Material Request
  2. Purchase Receipt
  3. Delivery Note
  4. Stock Entry
  5. Packing Slip
  6. Shipment
  7. Retain Sample Stock
  8. Landed Cost Voucher
  9. Pick List
  10. Putaway Rule

1.5 Serial and Batch Number

  1. Serial Number
  2. Batch
  3. Installation Note

1.6 Tools

  1. Quality Inspection
  2. Stock Reconciliation
  3. Quick Stock Balance

1.7 Return

  1. Sales Return
  2. Purchase Return

1.8 Advanced

  1. Delivery Trip
  2. Projected Quantity
  3. Perpetual Inventory

1.9 Stock Reports

  1. Stock Ledger Report
  2. Stock Level Report
  3. BOM Explorer
  4. Stock Value and Account Value Comparison Report