
A manufacturer created or produces an Item.

A Manufacturer may not be the same person/company that sells the Item under a specific Brand. For example, Unico Plastics can be the Manufacturer of plastic brushes but it may be sold under a Brand, say, Super Brushes.

In StrideERP, a Manufacturer can be used to identify Items using a specific part number.

1. How to Create a Manufacturer

  1. Go to the Manufacturer list and click on New.
  2. Enter a Manufacturer name
  3. You can enter a description if needed.
  4. Save.

After creating a Manufacturer, it can be set in the Item form with a Manufacturer Part Number for identification.

1.1 Additional details

The following details can be set for a Manufacturer:

  • Website
  • Country
  • Logo

2. Features

2.1 Address and Contacts

An Address and Contact can be set for this Manufacturer.