Advanced HR Settings

HR Avcanced Settings is where you can set defaults for your HR related featurs such as Attendance,leaves, Designation, Loans and more.

To access Advanced HR Settings, go to:

Home > Human Capital > Settings > Advanced HR Settings

1. Attendance Settings

1.1. Attendance Request Email Template

You can set the default template that will be used in attendance requests.

1.2 Allowed Geolocation Distance

you can set the allowed distance in meters to check-in using the mobile application

1.3 Mark Auto Attendance Hours

Set the hours when the system will mark the attendance of your employees.

1.4 Attendance Request Type

Define the different types of attendance request, their status, and the allowed request times for each type.

1.5 Attendance Exception

if you don't want to mark the attendance for some of your employees, you can select them from here.

1.6 Allow Only One Checkin

Check-in will only be permitted once a day if this checkbox is enabled.

2. Leave Settings

2.1 Leave Application Setting

Define the different leave types you have and the number of attachement required for each leave, the error message that will be shown.

2.2 Department Super Aprrover

Set the Department Super Approver

2.3 Compensatory Leaves

Define the compensatory leaves, select the type (monthly, quarterly or yearly) and select if it is active or not.

2.4 Allow Max Forword Employee

if there are some of your employees that you want to max forward their leaves, you can select these employees from here and define the Maximum Days Forward

3. Designation Settings

3.1 Designation Levels

You can have a different level for each designation defined in your company. Defining the different levels will help you later in the evaluation process

4. Employment Certificate Settings

You can define here who is the Employment Certificate Validator,his/her designation, and attach the signature.

5. Vendor Contract Settings

if you want to be notified before the end of your vendors contracts, you can define here the number of days when you want to be notified before the end of contract and choose the notification email template

6. Employees Contracts Notification Settings

6.1 End of Contract Warning

if you want to be notified before the end of your employee contracts, you can define in 'Warning before end of contract by (Days)' the number of days when you want to be notified before the end of contract and choose the preferred notification email template in 'End of Contract Warning Template'

6.2 End of Probation Period Warning

if you want to be notified before the end of your employee probation period, you can define in Warning after beginning of contract by (Days) the number of days when you want to be notified after the end of contract and choose the preferred notification email template in 'End of Probation Warning Template'

6.3 End of Probation Employee Template

if you want to be notify your employee about the end of their probation period, you can choose the preferred notification email template here

6.4 The Start of Open Contract for Saudis (Years)

Set the number of years to start the open contract of your employees.

7. Notification Email Templates

From this section you can select the preferred email template for various actions such as Notice of Non-renewal,Welcoming new joiner,Acceptance Email,Employment Offer, Certificate, Employee Contract, and Warning Letter. You can also attach birthday and anniversary cards.

8. Permission Exception

8.1 Employee List

Selected employees will no longer have any user permissions.

8.2 Disable Purchases Payable To Employee

From here you can disable or enable Purchases Payable To Employee

9. Loan Settings

From this section you can disable or enable GL Entries when submitting Loan Disbursement and GL Entries when submitting Loan Repayment.