Website Settings

This is the section where you can set up various settings related to your website, such as the landing page and the theme that will be applied to your entire website.

1. Pre-requisite

No Pre-requisite required

2. How to access Website Settings

To access Website Settings, go to:

Admin > Website > Website Settings

3. Landing Page

You can choose which page will be shown as the first page when someone visits your website by setting the "Home Page" field to the page's route. This can be any page, including common ones like "home", "about", "contact", "login", "all-products", and "blog".

4. Website Theme

Create a personalized theme for your Website and set it here. Learn more about configuring Website Theme here

5. Brand

5.1 Brand Logo

This section allows you to set the logo for your website. First, you need to upload the image, then click on the "Set Banner from Image" button. This will create a Banner HTML with your logo.

5.2 Favicon

This section allows you to set the favicon for your website, which is the small icon that appears on the left side of the browser tab.

View your website by clicking on View Website in the action bar on top right.

6. Top Bar

The menu items on the top navigation bar of your website can be customized from the "Top Bar" section.

7. Banner

You can create a banner that will appear at the top of your website on every page. You can use any valid Bootstrap 4 code here.

8. Footer

In the "Footer" section, you can add address information and categorized links to your website's footer.

9. Google Integrations

9.1 Google Indexing

To enable StrideERP to request Google crawlers to index a web page automatically, you need to authorize StrideERP to send a request whenever a user requests the data. You can set up Google Drive Integration by following these steps:

  • Create OAuth 2.0 Credentials in your Google Settings.
  • Enable indexing in your Website Settings.
  • Click on "Authorize API Indexing Access" to allow StrideERP to send a publish request.
  • After authorization, an indexing request will be sent automatically when you create, update, or delete any new blog post or web page.

9.2 Google Analytics

In this section, you can activate Google Analytics on your website by providing your Google Analytics ID. By default, Google Analytics will collect the full IP address of your website visitors. You can enable "Google Analytics Anonymize IP" to make sure that the IP addresses are anonymized before they are sent to Google servers.

10. HTML Header

This section allows you to set meta tags that will appear on all of your web pages. One example of using this feature is adding Google site verification tags.

11. Robots

In this section, you can specify rules for the file called "robots.txt". These rules are used by search engine crawlers to determine which pages to include in their search results and which ones to ignore.

12. Redirects

This section allows you to set up a route mapping to redirect users to a different URL. For example, if a user visits a specific URL, you can redirect them to another URL using this feature. The redirect will be a permanent one, known as a 301 redirect, and the redirect will happen automatically when a user visits the original URL.

13. Chat

In the Chat section, you can turn on website visitor chat for your website. The chat widget will appear on your website between the specified "From" and "To" times. You can also specify which users should be notified when a visitor sends a message