Coupon Code
Can you paraphrase it in a simple way without changing the wording: Coupon Code allows a Customer to avail discount on shoppping cart products. Everyone loves discount! so do the coupons offering such discounts. To encourage Customers to buy from the e-commerce website, coupon code feature is exciting. There are resellers/other site which generates leads for your StrideERP e-commerce website products/items/services. When the potential Customer comes from other sites OR promotional emails to your StrideERP website for purchase.
1. Prerequisites
- Create a Pricing Rule having Coupon Code Based flag enabled.
2. How to create Coupon Code
To Create a Coupon Code go to
Sales > Contracting > Coupon Code
3. Features
3.1 Validity and Usage
- Valid From - To - validity of the coupon
- Maximum Use - Cap to limit the usage of the coupon code
- Used - for each Sales Order submitted with coupon code , the used count increments by 1.
- Coupon Code Description - can be used while creating Email Template to inform potential customers about the coupon code and scheme information