Auto Repeat

The Auto Repeat feature allows you to create specific documents at regular intervals automatically.

For instance, if you have items that follow a deferred expense system, where you need to create the same Journal Entry every month to credit Deferred Expense account and debit Expense Account, you can create the first Journal Entry manually and then set up an auto-repeat transaction for it.

1. Pre-requisite

No Pre-requisite required

2. How to set up Auto Repeat

to set up a new Auto Report,go to:

Admin > Build > Auto Report

2.3 Set up Auto Repeat directly from the document

By clicking on the "Repeat" option in the Toolbar menu, you can set a document to be repeated automatically.

Note: If a document is already on Auto Repeat, the Repeat option will not be available.

3. Features

3.1 Submit on Creation

If you check the "Submit on Creation" option and the reference document type is submittable, your document will be automatically submitted upon creation.

3.2 Notify by Emai

If you want to inform specific contacts whenever recurring documents are created automatically, you can select the 'Notify by Email' option in the Notification section of Auto Repeat. This will send the recurring documents to the designated email addresses. Details about the fields for this option are described below.

  1. Recipients:This refers to the email addresses of the people who will receive the recurring document creation emails.
  2. Get ContactsClicking on this button will automatically retrieve the contacts associated with the document set on Auto Repeat and add them to the Recipients field.
  3. Template: You can select an Email Template to use for the email, which will fill in the Subject and Message fields automatically.
  4. Subject: This is the title of the email you want to send (for example, "Recurring ToDo created successfully").
  5. Message: This is the text of the email message you want to send.
  6. Preview Message: Clicking on this button will show you a preview of the message before you send it.
  7. Print Format: You can choose a print format to determine how the document should look when it is emailed to the customer.
Note: If you want to receive the new recurring document in Auto Repeat Notification Email for a submittable document, make sure that "Allow Print for Draft" is enabled in Print Settings. If it is not enabled, you will receive the notification about the recurring document creation without the document.

3.3 Repeat on a particular day

The Auto Repeat feature creates documents at regular intervals based on the frequency set by the user. If the frequency is set to Monthly, Quarterly, Half-yearly, or Yearly, the recurring documents will be created on the same day of each month as the start date of Auto Repeat. However, if you want to create recurring documents on a specific day, you can choose one of the following options:

  • Repeat on Day: Choose a specific day of the month for the recurring document to be created. For example, if the frequency is monthly and you select the 7th, the recurring document will be generated on the 7th of each month.
  • Repeat on Last Day of the Month:This option is available because the last day of every month is different. For example, in a leap year, the last day of February is the 29th, and it's the 28th otherwise. If you select this option, the recurring documents will be created on the last day of each respective month.

3.4 Ability to select weekdays for Auto Repeat

Auto Repeat with Weekly frequency enables you to choose the specific days of the week on which you want the recurring documents to be generated.

3.5 Dashboard

In the Auto Repeat document dashboard, you can view the schedule of the recurring documents. If you haven't set an end date, the schedule will only display the date of the next recurring document. The wording cannot be simplified further without changing the meaning.

3.6 Auto Repeat Frequency on the sidebar

When a document is set up for Auto Repeat, you can find its frequency on the sidebar. By clicking on the status, you can view the Auto Repeat document associated with it.

3.7 Disable Auto Repeat

Checking this field will halt the creation of recurring documents and detach the Auto Repeat document from the Reference Document.