
The Dashboard gives you a quick look at important indicators related to your business process.

Every Dashboard contains one or more Dashboard Charts that are set up with a data source called Dashboard Chart Source.

1. Pre-requisite

No Pre-requisite required

2. How to Create a New Dashboard

To create a new Dashboard, go to:

Admin > Build > Dashboard


Management > Tools > Dashboard

When you click on Show Dashboard, you will be able to see the Dashboard giving the graphic representation of your transactions.

3. Adding Charts to Dashboard

You can include charts on this dashboard by picking already available Dashboard Chart or making new ones.

4. Using Dashboards

Each chart on the dashboard will display data based on the fields selected in the corresponding Dashboard Chart configuration. To avoid repeated queries, the data from the Dashboard Chart source is cached. However, since the data may not always be up-to-date, each chart will also display the time it was last synchronized.

By clicking on "Set Filters", the filters used to create the chart data can be modified. After setting new filters, the chart will refresh automatically to display the updated information.