
In project management, a task is an actionable unit or activity which needs to be completed.

1. Pre-requisite

No Pre-requisite required

2. How to Create a Task

To Create a New Task go to

Projects > Task

2.1 Alternative way to Create a Task

A task can also be created from a Project in the following way:

2.2 Additional Options while creating a Project

The following additional details can be added when editing a new task:

  • Status: You can set the status of the project as per its progress.
  • Project: You can link the task to a particular project or add project details if created from a project.
  • Priority: You can define the priority of the task, such as low, medium, high, or urgent.
  • Issue: If the task is related to any issue, you can tag it with the task.
  • Weight: If a task carries any weightage, you can specify it here, and it gets calculated in percentage task completion..
  • Type: You can define the task type, such as user training or demo, to filter tasks based on type.
  • Color: You can assign a different color to each task, helping in identifying it while creating Gantt charts.
  • Is Group: You can mark a task as a parent task and divide it into sub-tasks.
  • Is Template: You can mark a task as a template task meant to be used in a project template.
  • Parent Task: If a task is a part of a group task, you can link it with its parent task.

2.3 Timeline and Details

  • Expected Start Date: Enter the date you expect the task to start
  • Expected End Date: Enter the date you expect the task to finish
  • Expected Time: Enter the estimated hours for completing the task.
  • Progress: Enter the percentage of task completion.
  • Begin:If the task is a template, specify the day it should begin after project commencement
  • Duration: IIf the task is a template, assign a specific number of days for completion.
  • Is Milestone: Check this box if the task is a milestone in the project
  • Description: Add a description for the task
Note: Based on the values of Begin and Duration field, the Expected Start Date and Expected End Date gets calculated for Project Tasks created using Project Template. This calculation skips holidays based on the holiday list of your company.

2.4. Dependencies and Actual Time

  • Dependent Tasks: This means that a task is dependent on another task and can't be completed until the latter is finished.
  • Task dependencies can be viewed in the Gantt Chart.

  • Actual Start Date: This is the recorded date and time when the Task is started based on Timesheets
  • Actual End Date: This is the recorded date and time when the Task is finished based on Timesheets..

2.5. Costing

  • Total Costing Amount: This is the total cost of the task, calculated based on the timesheets submitted by the user..
  • Total Billing Amount: This is the total amount that will be charged to the customer for the completion of this task, based on the timesheets..
  • Total Expense Claim: This is the total amount of expenses claimed by an employee for the completion of this task. It will be reflected here..

2.6. More Info

  • Department: You can specify the department responsible for the task. Even if the project belongs to a different department, each task can be assigned to a different one.
  • Company: You can change the company for which the task is being performed. This is useful when a company is performing a task for its parent, subsidiary, or sister company.